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The Anthropomorphic Cabinet. 1936. Salvador Dali

About "Dear Sofia"


Dear Sofia,


is a "letter" to my niece Sofia - a direct result of my volunteer work at a hospice/palliative care over ten years ago at a nonprofit organization in Savannah, GA. I learned a lot about death & dying. One thing that stayed with me (outside of the incredibly compassionate, dedicated people who work in the field) was the fact that so few in the general know about the optimal way to benefit from hospice/palliative care services.


A comprehensive review of nonprofit organizations ten years later has me struck by the same lack of awareness about palliative care/hospice.


Waiting until two weeks before "the end" or waiting until time has already run out is such a tragedy, especially when suffering can be alleviated much earlier and quality of life can be much better for a longer length of time. 


I want my niece Sofia, currently in her early 20's, to know about this stuff now, not then. Knowing now can make all the difference. I would like to get the word out to other young people too. 

The worry to do it. Is it even possible?


Welcome to "Dear Sofia, can We Talk About Death Now?"


















About Me​


Bobby Basenfelder is a graduate student in the Rhetoric, Writing, and Digital Media Studies program at NAU. She is also a daughter, an aunt, a sister, and a godmother, who cares about healthcare, social justice, gender equality, and family.

She's seen a lot of interesting things in this world, and would like to share her perspectives with you.

              2020. The blogger and her niece Sofia. 

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